Hello Ladies!
Welcome to a page that represents the start of something truly special: your journey through Formal Recruitment. If you’re here, it means you’re considering taking part in an unforgettable journey that begins this fall. On behalf of the Rho Theta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, I can’t wait to meet each and every one of you this August.
Whether you’re moving across the country or just down the street, starting life at the University of Nebraska is an exciting new chapter—and I know it can come with its fair share of nerves. I encourage you to approach recruitment with an open mind and heart. Every Greek chapter here at UNL offers something unique, and we hope you find the one that feels like home.
For me, that home was Theta. My two older sisters chose Theta, and seeing their incredible experiences inspired me to follow in their footsteps. From the moment I stepped through these doors, I found a house full of strong, kind women who shared my values of scholarship, service, leadership, and sisterhood. These women welcomed me with open arms, pushed me to grow, and have supported me in every step of my college journey.
Over the years, Theta has given me lifelong friends who have become my biggest cheerleaders, shoulders to lean on, and study partners during long nights. These friendships inspired me to run for Vice President of Membership—I want every girl who enters our home to experience the same love, acceptance, and encouragement that I’ve been so lucky to receive.
As I prepare to lead our chapter through Formal Recruitment, I promise to approach this role with kindness, gratitude, and a genuine desire to help each of you find the place where you feel truly at home. I’m beyond grateful for this opportunity to share our sisterhood with you and watch as each of you begin your own journey.
Looking back, I can’t believe how quickly my time in Theta has flown by. Writing this letter reminds me to savor every moment because the memories we make in college will last a lifetime. My advice to you is simple: be yourself, embrace the experience, and cherish the connections you make along the way.
Recruitment is more than just a week—it’s the start of finding a community that will encourage you, celebrate you, and stand by you for years to come. We’re counting down the days until we get to meet you, and I wish you all the best as you embark on this exciting adventure.
With love and excitement,
Sabina Woolway
Vice President of Membership
Click to watch our 2022 Sisterhood Video!
More About Recruitment
Recruitment is the term used to describe the process of gaining membership into a Greek organization here at the University of Nebraska. It is a mutual selection process where a potential new member (student) has the opportunity to meet with chapter members, ask a variety of questions, and tour the chapter houses.
Formal Recruitment is a five-day process with bid day on the sixth day, and prospective members are required to participate in all scheduled events. Sorority Recruitment takes place the week prior to the first week of classes. As Recruitment continues, individual sororities invite prospective members based on criteria specific to each chapter. The number of sessions prospective members attend is reduced daily, with potential new members spending more time at those sororities in which there is a mutual interest. With sixteen sororities at the University of Nebraska, you will be able to find a group of women with whom you identify.
During Recruitment week, each potential new member will have a Recruitment Counselor to answer questions about Recruitment, sorority experiences, and college life in general. Recruitment Counselors are members of sorority chapters and ambassadors for the Greek System as a whole who have chosen to assist potential new members during this exciting time.
New Members:
The new member process until becoming a formal member will last approximately a month past bid day. New members are required to attend whole chapter meetings every Monday as well as an additional new member education meeting each week until initiation. We understand coming into college is a stressful but exciting time for incoming freshman, and are understanding and willing to help with the adjustment. We do expect all new members to hold up the responsibilities and expectations of members, but there will be a learning period to get used to this transition. Most important of all, we want our new members to cherish and enjoy this period of time entering into a life-changing organization. We are so excited to welcome you into Kappa Alpha Theta!
Recruiting FAQ:
What is Continuous Open Bidding?
Those who dropped primary recruitment prior to filling out a bid card or that did not participate in any part of primary recruitment will have the opportunity to participate in open bidding second semester. We will decide whether we will participate in open bidding after the completion of primary recruitment.
Where can potential new member’s apply for primary recruitment?
Formal recruitment applications will come out June 1st of 2025. All information about the application process can be found HERE.
What does it mean to be a legacy?
A legacy of Kappa Alpha Theta is the daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an initiated member that is in good chapter standing. Kappa Alpha Theta no longer has a legacy policy, meaning that legacy’s do not get preferential treatment when going through primary recruitment.
If you know a potential new member that would be an asset to the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Please fill out a letter of reference for them.