
Casa/Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation

Kappa Alpha Theta is proud to be national supporters of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). We are thankful to have a local CASA program in our community in Lancaster County where we donate our proceeds from our signature philanthropies.

Lancaster County CASA is a local not-for-profit organization that provides a voice for abused and neglected children in the court system so they can thrive in a safe, and permanent home. They work to recruit, train and support local community volunteers who advocate for the best interests of children in Juvenile Court. Having a stable relationship, such as a CASA volunteer, in a child’s life makes a world of difference when everything else is chaos. This is also a positive role model who can give a child a voice, achieve safety and stability, and rediscover a sense of self-worth. Rho Chapter constantly seeks to support CASA.

We are also proud to support the Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation whose mission is “to secure and manage resources for the educational, leadership, and philanthropic programs of the Fraternity and for the scholastic, professional, and service pursuits of its members to help them reach their fullest potential and make a difference in the world.” The Foundation is dedicated to raising money for scholarships for current members as well as leadership and educational grants to make members’ dreams achievable.


This spring, we held our annual philanthropy for CASA, PastaCASA. On the day of our philanthropy, we had the Venue come and cater the event. We gathered many of our friends and family to help us support us in our endeavor to help CASA.

We are always grateful to have the opportunity to support CASA through our events. We are thankful to our friends, family, and sister who make these events possible. 

The support provided by our community continues to overwhelm us. Through the purchase of tickets and donations, we raised $13,000 for CASA during our spring event of 2024. 

Cookout for CASA

This school year, we changed up our spring philanthropy again! We held our first-ever Cookout for CASA! Our chef grilled hotdogs and hamburgers the event. We gathered many of our friends and family to help us support CASA. Our kitchen was filled with amazing food and friends. 

We are so thankful that we were still able to support CASA and hold a philanthropy this spring.

We were overwhelmed with love and support while selling tickets for Theta Twist for CASA and are proud to have raised almost $12,700 for CASA during this event in the fall of 2024.

Service Events

Kappa Alpha Theta strives to get out into the community and serve those around us. Whether that be non-profits, schools or the homes of elderly residents, we dedicate ourselves to make a difference. We reach out not only to our community, CASA, and The Theta Foundation, but we also implement independent volunteering as a major priority.

We are committed as a chapter, and individually, to strengthen our communities and transform our own experiences by connecting with others.